@KTzone » 資源 - 其他分類 » 資源 - 遊戲綜合資源超連 » [PC] Rainbow Six Black Thorn (7z/exe@291MB@金牌@seed1689 shingo49)

2009-6-21 21:06 iha
[PC] Rainbow Six Black Thorn (7z/exe@291MB@金牌@seed1689 shingo49)

Published by: Ubisoft
Developed by: Red Storm Entertainment
Release Date: November 13, 2001
Genre: FPS
General Features
9 new single-player missions wrapped in a thrilling new story; 6 new multiplayer- only maps including new locations and new versions of your old favourites; 14 new weapons including the m60 machine gun and the futuristic p90; an all new Lone Wolf multiplayer mode one heavily armed operative takes on all the rest! The winner of the first round becomes the Lone Wolf in the next; all the classic game types from Roque Spear: defend , terrorist hunt, assault, recon and more.
對戰m群 [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
1) 首先 Run 遊戲一次同平常對電腦一樣
2) 當到 Main Menu 畫面時選擇 MultiPlayer
3) 之後要視乎你係邊一個角色啦
--- 如果你係 Host,咁你就按 Create Game,之後你就到MultiPlayer 畫面,然後把 IP 告訴你
--- 如果你係 guest---咁你就按 Manual Join,輸後入 IP 同 Port:
IP 係Host o既IP;而 Port 就係 2346(Rainbow Six原裝設定),然後按 Join 就OK啦!
4) 之後等Host 按開始遊戲
1.[gogobox綠化免安裝版] [url=http://down.gogobox.com.tw/shingo49/pqjc4]http://down.gogobox.com.tw/shingo49/pqjc4[/url]
2.[gogobox綠色免安裝版] [url=http://down.gogobox.com.tw/seed1689/l9ag4]http://down.gogobox.com.tw/seed1689/l9ag4[/url]
3.[bt安裝版] [url=http://www.btbbt.biz/html/6216f7122a47821.html]http://www.btbbt.biz/html/6216f7122a47821.html[/url]

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