@KTzone » 資源 - 其他分類 » 資源 - 遊戲綜合資源超連 » C&C Generals: ShockWave (GamePC)

2011-1-20 00:18 naab123
C&C Generals: ShockWave (GamePC)

[b]C&C Generals: ShockWave (GamePC) [/b]



[code]C&C Generals: ShockWave (GamePC)
English | Year: 2010 | PC | Publisher: EA Games | 252MB
Genre: Strategy

The purpose of fashion to make Zero Hour a more interesting game with a great diversity between the generals, making it so that you will think twice before taking a certain general, and in general mode gives you more choices, raznnoobraziya and strategic freedom in contrast to the Zero Hour nevertheless leaving the spirit and design direction that was in the original storyline Generals.

.Around 15 new generals in multiplayer mode.
.Approximately 100 new units.
.Improve EFFECTS explosions shooting.
.New sound EFFECTS.
.New skills have generals who can pump.
.Fixed bugs that were in the original game.
.Good balance in the game, you do not just think of the general worth taking.

System requirements:
.Intel Pentium III 1,8 MHz or AMD Athlon;
.256 MB RAM;
.64MB 3D Video Adapter under the AGP slot (GeForce2 or ATI Radeon 7500),
.16 bit sound card, also compatible with DirectX 8.1;
.Keyboard, Mouse

1. Install a clean version of C C Generals: Zero Hour which can put a patch.
2. Install the patch 1.04 for the game.
3. Install CC ShockWave 1.0. Set the mode to the root folder of the game.[/code]






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