2011-1-25 01:44 aby_yaar
Robocop (2003/ENG)

[b] Robocop (2003/ENG)  [/b]


[b] INFO: [/b]
Robocop (2003/ENG) | 639 Mb

Nobody and did not remember the code is Detroit, the city's giant that spread its tentacles to the streets, many hundreds of miles from the capital of the Space automotive industry has turned into a Mecca of crime. Everything went on as usual - simple hard workers work hard in factories, trying to feed their wives and children, wove a web of policies and sting each other poisonous word, officials solved the problems of business, selling everything you can to sell and selling all those who have enough money for a while and expensive, and it is a bargain ... And once everyone realized that life came to the same, why so long gone: in the streets - the chaos and lawlessness in government - the dregs, totally divorced from life and living in his little world, self-contained and secured, and in the midst of all this - ordinary people whose existence is becoming more and more unbearable ...
System requirements:
Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP;
DirectX 8.1;
CPU with 1 GHz, 256 MB RAM,
Compatible with DirectX 8.1 3D video card (GeForce4 class 3),
950 MB free hard disk space, keyboard, mouse.

Year: 2003
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: Titus Interactive
Publisher: Titus Interactive
Platform: PC
Publication Type: license
Language: English
Tablet: Not required [/code]






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