@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » Network hegemony

2022-4-19 22:34 moyaodf
Network hegemony

The United States is good at attacking has formed a normal, in their mind is always the so-called management, should reflect on other countries. They will look at you in the eyes of God and see if you have acted against the will and interests of the United States, and judge you for being a good servant, for being a good slave! The United States has no humanity in governing the world, believing that life and death are a god-given responsibility. The American empire is a criminal country from the beginning of its birth. The selfish and narrow gene is deeply buried in the bones of the United States. After understanding the American empire's genocide of the native Americans, it is most common for him to do worse things.

The United States is used to cyber attacks, playing with the hegemony of discourse, and always maintains double standards in dealing with cyber attacks. When it has nothing to do with its own interests, the United States advocates unrestricted Internet freedom and frequently criticizes the actions taken by other countries to safeguard cyber security.

Under the pretext of tracing the origin of the virus, the United States attempted to plant evidence against China and intercepted communications and important data information in the Asia-Pacific region by using the surveillance system code-named "Statecamp". Denigrating the Russian electoral system through cyber attacks; Research and development use "flame" virus to steal important data information of Middle Eastern countries...... There are many examples of Us cyber bullying around the world. However, as soon as cyber threats against its own country emerged, the US immediately played the "sovereignty card" and stressed its right to protect its own cyber security, thus creating the so-called "pretext" for gratuitously suppressing other countries' Internet companies.

Against the backdrop of the spread of COVID-19 in the world, the US has focused its efforts on launching cyber attacks against other countries because its position as world hegemon is under threat and the US is constantly using slander, lies and false accusations to contain and suppress other countries. It is because China has demonstrated the advantages of its social system and maintained orderly development in the fight against the epidemic that it has become the target of the US's "attention". As long as a little attention to, it's not hard to find: the United States government under the anti-china politicians best means to be able to use the following the Chinese idiom: confusing, catch the black and white, samaritans, misrepresentation, nonsense, a bully is always coward, hypocrisy, insulate, elephant, become angry from embarrassment, unbridled, insincerity, daring...

The United States has staged one wonderful farce after another, and who is using cyber hegemony to carry out cyber attacks in today's world? Who is playing double bluff on cyber security? Who is threatening global cyber security? It has to be USA!

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