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2008-7-28 20:51 yckshop
[color=Orange][size=5]Photo of the Day
Aerial View of African Elephants, Kenya, 1999
Photograph by George Steinmet
A herd of elephants makes its way through swamp grass in KenyasAmboseli National Park. Established as a national park in 1974, the151-square-mile (392-square-kilometer) park at the foot of MountKilimanjaro in southwest Kenya is home to more than 450 animal species,including elephants, wildebeests, cranes, and egrets.

Every step is critical on Mount Everest. The treacherous Khumbu Icefallhas taken the lives of many climbers on their first day as they head totheir first camp.
Photograph by Bobby Model
Bright red-and-blue facial markings identify this mandrill as a mature male. Mandrills are the worlds largest monkeys.
Photograph by Tim Laman
National Geographic assistant editor Melville Bell Grosvenor made thefirst aerial color photograph when he took this shot of the Statue ofLiberty by circling the monument in a Navy Airship ZM C2. Thephotograph, which was published in the September 1930 issue, led theNational Geographic Society to adopt the Finlay process, then thenewest method for producing color photographs. Photograph by MelvilleB. Grosvenor
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No longer slithering, a snake skeleton lies silent in Belizes ChiquibulCave system. A labyrinthine series of limestone caves carved byrainwater and the subterranean Chiquibul River, the cave system inwestern Belize is home to thousands of intact skeletons dating back10,000 years or more.
Probably formed on the side of the Finnish icebreaker Tarmo, afeather-edged loaf of ice floats in the Gulf of Finland.Locked in deepice from February to April, the Gulf of Finland is alternately dauntingand delightful. Passing ships are frequently trapped in the watersnotorious ice, but outdoor-loving Finns fish and swim under the gulfsicy crust.
(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Helsinki," August 1981, National Geographic magazine)
Photograph by Jodi Cobb
Thirteen years after he was first photographed, a Guatemalan villagemayor poses with a photo of himself taken by photographer David AlanHarvey in San Juan Atitán. Photographers in the field often formlasting relationships with their subjects and return to visit friendsand revisit the past.
Photograph by David Alan Harvey
A wood stork in water
Photograph by Joel Sartore
Wings spread wide, an Antarctic emperor penguin baby awaits its next meal.
Photograph courtesy NOAA
King penguins live on the more temperate islands north of Antarctica.Although their habitat is warmer than that of emperor penguins, kingpenguins have four layers of feathers and huddle together for warmth.
Photograph by Maria Stenzel
King cobras rarely attack humans, but one bite contains enough venom to bring down an elephant.
Photograph by Mattias Klum
The largest snakes in the world, anacondas can grow to 550 pounds (227 kilograms).
Photograph by Ed George
Slug Caterpillar, Manu River, Peru, 2001
Photograph by George Grall
Brushlike suckers radiate from the body of a slug caterpillar restingon a leaf near Perus Manu River. The stinging hairs, or suckers, ofthese brightly colored, fleshy caterpillars contain mildly venomoustoxins used for defense purposes. However, simply touching a slugcaterpillar triggers toxin transfer, which causes rashes, swelling, andin some cases, fever and nausea.
Poster child for all endangered species, wild giant pandas exist inlimited numbers. Concerted conservation efforts have been somewhatsuccessful.
Photograph by Michael Nichols
Every Mount Everest ascent begins with a Puja ceremony, in which Sherpapay homage to the mountain deity. The Sherpa have played crucial rolesas guides, porters, and climbing partners on nearly every Everest climbin history.
A Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) undulates in rhythmwith fronds of kelp in the waters off Gansbaai, South Africa. Althoughthe animals are clubbed during hunts and die when entangled in fishingnets, they are top predators in the region and among the most abundantfur seals in the world.
Photograph by David Doubilet
Boiling lava cascades down Mount Etna in 2002. A series of violenteruptions recently prompted the Italian government to declare a stateof emergency.
Photograph by Carsten Peter
A photographer captures the action as lava shoots into the air fromMount Etna in Sicily, Italy. In 1928, the nearby town of Mascali waswiped out when a lava flow spread over the hamlet.
Photograph by Carsten Peter
Male African elephants usually travel alone and are significantly larger than females.
Photograph by Chris Johns
Baby elephants are born big, standing approximately three feet (onemeter) tall and weighing 200 pounds (91 kilograms) at birth. They nursefor two to three years, and are fully mature at 9 (females) to 15(males) years of age.
Photograph by William Albert Allard
Red Rock Beach, Dominica, 1996Photograph by Michael Melford
Vacationers barely catch a glimpse of the sea through rocks on Red RockBeach on Pointe Baptiste in Dominica. Mountainous, densely forested,and populated by waterfalls and exotic birds, much of Dominica isprotected as national wilderness.
(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Dominica: TheCaribbeans Nature Island," November/December 1996, National GeographicTraveler magazine)
Hair cap moss (Polytrichum commune) is found throughout much of the world.
Photograph by Rich Reid
Sharp spines erupt from the skin of a prickly pear cactus in the Galápagos Islands.
Photograph by Tim Laman
Patterns in Nature: Plants
Fern fronds spiral in North Carolinas Blue Ridge Mountains.
Photograph by Amy White & Al Petteway
Patterns in Nature: Snowflakes
Snowflakes take on the shape of hollow columns and needles at about 23 degrees Fahrenheit (-5 degree Celsius).
Photograph by Kenneth Libbrecht
Patterns in Nature: Plants
The leaves of a giant lobelia plant, photographed on Mount KilimanjarosShira Plateau in Tanzania, spiral around the center. Photograph byGeorge F. Mobley
Patterns in Nature: Plants
Veins spider across a castor bean leaf in Hungary.
Photograph by Jozsef Szentpeteri
Boom Island Park, Minnesota, 1997
Photograph by Gail Mooney
Twin Cities citizens take to their lakes as soon as warm weatherpermits, and a daily sight-seeing cruise departing from the shores ofMinneapoliss Boom Island Park is one way visitors can join the fun.
Gray wolves once populated large portions of North America, Europe, andAsia, but were hunted to near extinction. Their numbers have reboundeddue to conservation and reintroduction efforts.
Photograph by Joel Sartore
Despite the widespread fear of these enormous predators, great whiteshark attacks are rarely fatal. Most of the attacks are "sample bites"from the curious fish as they try to decide whether to go through theeffort of a full attack. Luckily, they usually decide against makingpeople their next meal.
Photograph by Eric Hanauer/Alamy
Girl with Pumpkin, Louisiana, 2004
Photograph by Ken Kochey
In New Orleans, a young girl in a Halloween dress struggles to lift alarge pumpkin. The tradition of carving pumpkins during Halloween beganin the United Kingdom, where for centuries people cut scary faces intopotatoes, turnips, and even large beets to dissuade evil spirits fromentering their homes. Early European immigrants to America made theseso-called jack-o-lanterns from pumpkins, which are indigenous to NorthAmerica and make an ideal canvas for such carved art.
Photo Gallery: Provence, FranceLike a painting stirred to life bysummer wind, Provence is where the simplest of landscapes¡Xpoppiesdancing in a field outside Roussillon¡Xcan turn suddenly sublime. Nowonder artists are drawn to this corner of southern France, and whyeveryone from Roman emperors to movie stars has wanted to claim a pieceof it. But as much as it gives up to those just passing through,Provence reserves its sweetest self for those who call it home.
Photo Gallery: Provence, France
The Pont du Gard aqueduct, built by the Romans, now funnels francs intothe town of Nîmes as one of Frances most popular tourist attractions.
¡XFrom "Essence of Provence," September 1995, National Geographic magazine
Photograph by William Albert Allard
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X-Rays At Black Hole
"Chandra [NASAs orbiting x-ray observatory] detects intense x-raysemitted by gases as they are accelerated, heated, and sucked into ablack hole."
¡XFrom "Super X-ray Vision," December 2002, National Geographic magazine
Photograph by NASA/Jeffrey McClintock and Michael Garcia, SAO
Designer Skyline, Barcelona, Spain, 1998
"Designer skyline with glowing pillars and a sculpturesque telephonetower, seen from the Olympic esplanade, reminds strollers of the citysadventurous, multibillion-dollar makeover for the [1992] games."
¡XFrom "Barcelona: Star of the New Europe," December 1998, National Geographic magazine
Photograph by David Alan Harvey
"Supermassive black holes inhabit the centers of galaxies. If theseblack holes are actively accreting material, they too can emit powerfulx-rays. One example lies at the center of Centaurus A, where anaccretion disk fires a jet of particles 15,000 light-years into space.Hundreds of other x-ray sources¡Xstellar black holes and neutronstars¡Xalso inhabit Centaurus A."
¡XFrom "Super X-ray Vision," December 2002, National Geographic magazine
A trio of Stellar sea lions stalk the 10,000-foot (3,000-meter) summitof Bowie Seamount, their underwater feeding grounds off BritishColumbia, Canada. Rich in biological life, seamounts are underwatermountains formed from volcanic activity less than one million yearsago.
Photograph by Emory Kristof
In the 1940s and 50s, the U.S. conducted a series of nuclear tests inthe Bikini Atoll, a ring of Pacific islands in Micronesia. Radioactivefallout still pollutes Rongelap Atoll, about 100 miles (160 kilometers)to the east, but the nuclear blasts seem to have had no long-termimpact on marine life there, including this school of trevally fishphotographed by Kristof in the late 90s.
Photograph by Kristof.
Alps Sheep, Fabregas, France, 1973
Photograph by George F. Mobley
"Bound for mountain pastures, sheep branded with red dye graze in the foothills of the French Alps on a misty June day."
(Text from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, the National Geographic book The Alps, 1973)
Great White Shark, Gansbaai, South Africa
Photograph by David Doubilet
On the prowl in Gansbaai, South Africa, a great white shark flashesrows of teeth sharper than daggers. With its numbers declining aroundthe world, scientists warn that this species, the most feared of allsharks, may be in danger.
(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Great White: Deep Trouble," April 2000, National Geographic magazine)
The critically endangered golden lion tamarin is named for its striking orange mane.
Photograph by Mark W. Moffett
Olive baboons, like this mother and baby, are one of five baboon species. All live in Africa or Arabia.
Photograph by Michael Nichols
Patterns in Nature: Aerial Views
An alluvial fan spreads across Wrangell-St. Elias National Park in Alaska.
Photograph by Frans Lanting
Kangerlussuaq Face, Greenland, 2006
Photograph by David McLain
Frost-flecked and sun-chapped, a hunter braves the cold inKangerlussuaq, an inlet in western Greenlands Davis Strait.Besideshampering the living of hunters there, thinning sea ice alongGreenlands fringes is threatening to capsize an entire ecosystemdependent on the ice including seals, walruses, and polar bears.(Photoshot on assignment for, but not published in, "Last Days of the IceHunter," January 2006, National Geographic magazine)
Ash and steam billow from Karymsky Volcano in Russia¡¦s dramaticKamchatka Peninsula. The 750-mile-long (1,200-kilometer-long) peninsulain eastern Siberia is home to 127 volcanoes, 22 of which are stillactive.
Photograph by Klaus Nigge
A few hundred degrees separates this pool of fiery orange magma inItaly¡¦s Mount Etna from its hardened, gray crust. At nearly 11,000 feet(3,353 meters), Mount Etna is Europe¡¦s highest active volcano.
Photograph by Carsten Peter
Sand Dunes, New Mexico
Eroded gypsum forms the dunes of White Sands National Monument in New Mexico.
Photograph by Michael Nichols
Perched above the lighted city of Catania, Italy, Mount Etna hurls afountain of fire skyward as rivers of lava spill down its flanks. Inspite of its dazzling displays, Mount Etna is a relatively safe volcanowith rare, compact eruptions and slow-flowing lava that gives people achance to escape.
Photograph by Carsten Peter
Trekking the Namib Desert, Namibia, 1998
Photograph by O. Louis Mazzatenta
Alone in a vast expanse of sand, a man treks across giant dunes inNamibias Namib Desert. One of the driest places on Earth, the Namibnecessitates resourceful adaptations. Snakes, spiders, beetles, andlizards can survive here only because fog delivers a wisp of vitalmoisture as it rolls in from the ocean most nights.
(Photo shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Life Grows Up," April 1998, National Geographic magazine)

2008-8-5 00:26 albini
thanks for sharing

2008-8-5 17:34 kelvinngai
quite good thX

2008-8-6 17:26 eddiekt
a brave photographer.

2008-8-8 09:13 honekong
ÁÙ¤£¿ù~ ·PÁ¤À¨É­ò

2008-8-8 19:13 ¤õ³·¦¸­¦

2009-4-22 13:55 ªk©Ô§QGT3

2009-7-12 11:49 1456

2009-7-13 17:10 eddiekt
nice pictures.

2009-7-23 01:38 L¡DLawliet
good pic

­¶: [1]

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